Snaresbrook Lodge



Snaresbrook Lodge No 4010-Officers 2022/2023

W Bro Neil Dunnett SLGRWorshipful Master
W Bro Alan Cooper SLGRSenior Warden
W Bro James Rowell LGRJunior Warden
W Bro Harry Purnell LGRChaplain
W Bro John Gray SLGRTreasurer
W Bro John Gray SLGR (acting)Secretary
W Bro Trevor Dunnett SLGRDirector of Ceremonies
W Bro Darryl East LGRAlmoner
W Bro James Rowell LGRCharity Steward
W Bro Chris McDonald PSGDMembership Officer
W Bro Neil Dunnett SLGRMentor
W Bro Mike Clark SLGRSenior Deacon
Bro Zona OnuboguJunior Deacon
W Bro Joseph Inoma PDDGOAssistant Director of Ceremonies
W Bro Darryl East LGROrganist
W Bro John Gray SLGRAssistant Secretary/Webmaster
Bro Josef ZornInner Guard
Bro Chuba NwokaSteward
W Bro Alex EbosieImmediate Past Master
W Bro Tavich Bonnag LGRTyler
W Bro Kevin Havlin LGR, METGPursVisiting Officer


Arena 54 Print Edition

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Beyond the Square: W Bro Richard Spooner on “exercising that virtue…”

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We asked you… The Visitor’s Response

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